Chicka Chicka Boom Boom Style!
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Who doesn't love Chicka Chicka Boom Boom by John Archambault for the first week of school! It's a great go-to book because it's short, interactive and FUN! Even better, it can be sung!
Just before the letters fall down in the story, I give each of my kiddos a plastic or foam letter. They hold it WAY up high in the air and we all drop them together and bellow "Chicka, Chicka, Boom, Boom!!"
Adding small interactive elements like this makes the story so much more engaging for little ones.
Here is a quick activity to go along with it! All you need is a few materials, you probably already have.
Green paper
Cardboard paper towel roll
This could be used as a center, morning work, or a culminating activity for a Chicka Chicka theme. It's also great scissor skill practice for kiddos who are just learning how to cut. Start with small snips if they aren't yet able to cut the longer lines. You could also adapt this activity and have kids tear the paper.
We do a lot with names the first few weeks of school. Here is one of the name craftivities I do that goes along with Chicka Chicka Boom Boom. I use pom poms as coconuts and clip them to clothespins. The kids dip 'em in paint and fill in the letters of their name. They turn out so cute and the kids love dot painting their names.
What other ideas do you have for me? Comment below and tell me how you use Chicka Chicka in your classroom. I'd love to see what you are up to!