Bring on the ❄️snow❄️ and holidays! A fresh set of name tags always makes my teacher heart so happy! These seasonal WINTER NAME TAGS will revitalize your space for winter.
I use these for ALL. THE. THINGS. They are so useful!
This resource makes it as EASY as can be! Simply type your class list into the form, and all of your name tags will instantly generate.
Easy Peasy!
✅ Type your class list into the form.
✅ Printables will INSTANTLY generate.
✅ Works with ANY name, long or short, capital or lowercase!
❌ No installing fonts, saving you time and frustration.
You do YOU! Different fonts for different uses.⚡Type once, and done!⚡YESSSSS!
✅ Letter formation font with starting cue
✅ Clean, easily read font
✅ Font with primary lines
✅ Bold and whimsical font
Ways to Use Them:
✅ Use as cubby labels or folder labels.
✅ Use on tables or desks as name plates.
✅ Use for grouping students.
✅Laminate and use with dry erase markers:
◻️as a sign in option as they enter the classroom.
◻️for a writing center (leave all the names out so they can write each others).
◻️use in a pocket chart for graphing activities.
✅Use as name tags for centers.
◻️Have a pocket chart at each center and have them put their names in to use that center.
✅Use for matching letters in their name.
◻️Tape names to a cookie sheet and have them find the magnetic letters that match.
✅Use for activities to practice writing their names.
◻️Fill a shallow sensory tray with sand or rice (or whatever else you have on hand). Prop their name tag on the tray. Have them use their finger or a pom-pom to trace their name in the bin.
In order for this resource to work, you need an updated version of Adobe Acrobat Reader. It’s FREE to download, and you likely already have it on your computer. This will not work properly in the browser version of Adobe Acrobat Reader, you'll need the free desktop version for it to function effectively. You will also need an unzipping program, so you can extract/unzip the folder. (Most computers already have this software, as well.)
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